Thursday 30 June 2011



The word “ Computer” is derived from a Latin word “ Computare” which means “ to Calculate” More formally computer can be defined as: It is an electronic machine that receives input as data, process it into a meaning full from, and generates information as output.


It has always been a keen desire of human being to make his work easy to do. So, man was busy inventing different machines. In case of ease in Calculation the first attempt was made by Chinese.
v     Chinese developed the first computer of history (ABACUS),  3000 BC.
v     In 1617 John Napier made his first or first every mechanical Calculating device as Napier Bone.
v     Blaise Pascal, in 1642 made his mechanical Calculator which was smarter in operation then Napier Bones.
v     In 1801 Jacquard invented his machine, named Jacquard Loom. This machine was using punched card for creating pattern on a loom.
v     In 1803s Charles Babbage is conceived first programmable computer known as Analytical Engine. Analytical Engine could perform mathematical Calculations using punch card. Thus Charles Babbage is termed to as “ Father of Computer”.
v     Dr. Herman Hollerith developed first electro-mechanical punched card Tabulator in 1890.
v     The first Analog Computer was invented by Dr.Bush in 1930.
v     In 1942-44 H.Aiken at Harward University mode the first electro-mechanical Computer in assistance of IBM company.
v     In 1948 Transister was invented, which reduced the size and cost of Computer to an extant.
v     In 1970s large Scale integrated developed, using this technology, further microprocessor was made which shrunk the size of Computer and now Computer was available commercially.
Gradually, developments were made both in software’s and Hardware’s and today Computer is more general purpose to solve our every day problems.

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